
Sam Nalssen

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Organization of your written process: inventions, research, writing and correction

At the initial levels of the school, you could compile a written task for the night before its term. As soon as you begin to write at the university or college, you will find that you will need to be more organized when writing a study.

The organization can help you focus the research process and avoid repetition of the facts in your first written draft. In general, the work will be more professional if you apply a few organizational skills to the process.
Your writing process consists of four stages:

Stage of the Invention
Organizations should be started from the stage of creativity or invention and continue until the final version of the project is finalized. In the process of creativity or "inventions" you want to come up with a specific topic for our research work. You can use at this stage. When you think about some kind of special perspective to set out the topic, you can start with a brainstorm on a large sheet of paper. There are several approaches to the process of inventions that include freeriting, clustering, mapping, squeezing, etc. You can even develop your own technique, for example, to record voice to save your thoughts, and then write them down and systematize accordingly .

Although in this type of invention there is no real logical sequence so that various aspects that the author consider it important to include in the article were summarized with a very small order. Then the lines or arrows were placed between those elements that could be grouped together or which could be somehow connected with each other. It is impossible to make a mistake in this part of the creation process, but watching your ideas on a sheet of paper can help you determine which items you want to include in your document, and which are not so important.
As soon as you give some attention to the inventive part of the writing article, it will slightly simplify the research process.

Stage of research
Given the diversity of books, periodicals, magazines and other publications available both on the Internet and in print form, it is very easy to cope with information overload, as well as various writing essay help. Perhaps the easiest way to focus your research efforts is to allocate some key terms that are important for the topic of your article, and concentrate on these terms when searching for research journals confirming your thesis. Next, I will teach you how to narrow the subject to avoid unnecessary headaches about the information overload.

You may find that even before you start writing your article, some of the studies you have found affect the thesis from which you started. If the thesis requires a little refinement, it is worth doing this before you start writing seriously. However, as soon as you stop on the final presentation of the thesis, make sure that the study used in the article is directly related to the elements affected in the thesis, and do not allow yourself to deviate from the purpose of the article.

After you have decided on the thesis and completed the research process, it's time to move to the next step in writing - writing an article.

Stage Letter.
So, finally you have reached the 3rd stage of writing. At this stage, do not worry about the formatting of the paper, although it is important that you select the right paper type for your task. If you are not sure what you are waiting for the tutor, look for instructions in job details. For example, if the article is asked to compare one author with another, then you look at the comparison essay and comparison .. If, however, there are such terms in the instructions, how to "discuss", "analyze" or "consider", then you will be asked to write Explanatory document. Argumentative articles often ask you to think about the statement, and then either confirm, or find evidence refuting this statement, while in convincing essay you are asked to take a certain position on a specific issue. If you do not understand at all, what type of paper is requested, check with your teacher or take a look at the marking heading to find out what is required in your article.

Many writers are easier to write an article after they constitute a plan of their work. Create a plan for yourself to systematize thoughts. The plan can be arbitrarily rarefied or as detailed, but it must include the presentation of the thesis, thematic offers for the main paragraphs and one proposition. Spending time writing this plan before you start writing your first draft article, you will prevent any time by writing "not on the topic" in the middle of the article.

When you finish your first draft, postpone work and leave at least an hour. The reason why it is important to stay at some distance between themselves and the sheet before you start editing an article, It is that it is often easy to miss the errors that you could do because you already know how the article is designed to read, instead of acting that the newspaper is read as it was intended.

Stage refinement
Revision or process editing is the fourth and final stage in your writing process.
The editing process should consist of three parts. First of all, paper writer must check orphography and grammar. Most text editors offer the form of spell check form, but make sure that you also read every word in your article, as well as check the spelling twice. If you missed "D" from "and", for example, the word "An" that you have left is still considered to be the right word for a spelling tool, so be sure to read your document, carefully checking all the spelling and suggestions.

The next part of the editing process should concern the content itself and its wording. One of the easiest ways to do it is to ask someone to read your article or if you want to read it out loud. So you can make sure that the paper "flows" as you planned, and that you did not leave any sentences unfinished or too long.

Finally, you want to make sure that your article has a logical meaning and that you have reinforced your thesis at least three points of offer on the topic. If you follow the plan that you made up before writing an article, this final editing should be the easiest part of your writing process.

So, let's go. By organizing a slightly writing process, you filled out neat and professionally written work with minimal effort. Using the tools such as brainstorming in the process of the invention and outline in the writing process, you can be sure that the topic of your article focuses around the thesis you have developed and should bring you a worthy assessment.

More resources:
How to write a research essay
Reflexive essay
Special research work
Writing coursework