September 2016 roundup

September 2016 Monthly Roundup

September has been a quiet month for podcasts as we all transition from summer to fall. There are a lot of great podcasts to listen to, so if you haven't had a chance to check out the interesting, informative and helpful conversations that have been happening this summer, take some time this month and have a listen.

You can find them all in the podcasts section.

Here are the discussion topics that have sparked conversations:


Astronomy Programs


Tool Lending

ASTC 2016

We the Voters


And the more time-sensitive topics:

Letters to the Next President

Job Postings!

YALSA eCourse


For upcoming events, in-person and virtual, check out the Events Page! This is also available on the Discussions pull-down menu. 

We're always interested in site spotlights! Yours could be next! We’re always looking for sites to feature! Email