International Representatives |

ITCS Primo Levi - Biological Health Specialization (Bollate) - Ambassador School
Mentor: Elisa Di Pasquale, Humanitas - Cardiovascular department
WBT topic: Biotechnology for health, stem cells, cultivating cells for health care
Andra Tusz
Hey I'm Andra. I'm a fourth year student in high school near Milan. I love biotechnology so I love my school. I think biotechnology is the key for the future medicine. In fact, now we are working on an experiment about stamina cells and their characteristics.
Cristiano Conte
My name is Cristiano Conte. I'm 17 years old and I live in Bollate. My passions are mostly cinema; basketball; football and comics. Of course it is also science and particularly the field of genetic.
Davide Tessera
Davide loves science and he finds interesting the multiple applications that biotechnology has in different sectors such as medical or industrial sector. He plays water-polo and has a passion for animals, especially reptiles.

Istituto Statale Facchinetti - Chemistry and Materials Specialization (Castellanza, VA) - Ambassador School
Mentor: Sara Borin, University of Milan - Department of Food, Environmental and Nutrition Sciences
WBT topic: Biotechnology for the environment, microorganisms for bioremediation, cultivating bacteria that feed on oil
Christian Boniforti
Christian is eighteen and he loves working in the laboratory. He would like to work for a chemical industry.
In his free time, he goes out with his girlfriend or plays videogames. He is keen on American TV series.
Cristina Spinelli
Cristina is seventeen. She has been fascinated by chemistry since she was a child. She has worked as an unpaid trainee for several pharmaceutical and chemical industries and she has also worked for the Università dell’ Insubria in Como. She loves reading and swimming. Her favourite writers are Glenn Cooper and Dan Brown. She has acquired a taste for yoga.
Francesca Cavazzani
Francesca is deeply interested in everything related to chemistry and its applications. She has taken part in chemistry and mathematics olympics and has recently completed an internship in an international chemical company which produces liquid detergents. She is a girl who always wants to experience and learn new things.

Simone Dall'Ava
Simone believes that science is the best way to make the world a better place. He likes studying Chemistry, visiting museums and keeping up with new discoveries. In his free time, he listens to punk-rock music and watches movies and TV series. He also likes drawing. He is always interested in expressing his opinions and debating about everything
Mario Spiniello
Mario was selected to represent MUST at the SCWS2017.

Liceo Classico San Raffaele (Milano) - Ambassador School
Mentors: Paola Branduardi and Stefano Bertacchi, Galatea Bio Tech
WBT topic: Bioplastics and microorganisms for the production of eco-compatible materials
Alessandra Renzi
Alessandra has always been fascinated by science and chemistry in particular. In 2015 she participated to the CusMiBio competition and also had the chance to attend a stage in a research laboratory where they worked after different healing cures for cancer. She also loves languages and she practice swimming and karate.
Anna Giulia Damato
Anna Giulia loves all the different aspects of science: she has always been fascinated by the complexity of nature.She fell in love with this subject when her parents gave her as a present her first microscope and she started exploring the wide world of cells and microorganisms. She’s always wondered how we can improve ourselves and she thinks that biotechnologies are one of our most important resources that will allow us to solve the huge problems that are affecting the world nowadays.She’s interested in the influence that biotechnological discoveries can have on the development of medicine and on the improvement of our health.
She took part of scientific stages held by important researchers, focusing on Molecular Biology and clinical neuroimmunology. She had also the chance to participate to a national science competition of chemistry and biology.In her free time she loves playing piano, hanging out with friends and boxing.
Federico Coraglia
Federico loves science and considers biotechnologies the next step for a better future. He started his experience in the labs when he was a child, thanks to his mother, and since then he never stopped wondering how all things work and how one man can change the world. He participated to a nationwide scientific competition and attended different stages with well-known researchers, focusing on neuroimmunology. In his free time, he enjoys reading, cooking, hanging out with his friends and fencing.
Michelle Mercuri
Michelle started to be interested in biotechnologies since her third year of high school, when they studied lab techniques. In 2015 she had the opportunity to attend a stage, that lasted one week, in a laboratory where researchers studied viral vectors to cure genetic diseases. She also has a passion for cooking.

Liceo Scientifico Giulio Casiraghi (Cinisello Balsamo) - Ambassador School
Mentor: Massimo Galbiati, University of Milan – Department of Biosciences
WBT topic: Plants biotechnology, improvement of water use efficiency and drought tolerance in crop plants

Mattia Grasso
Mattia is seventeen and he's attending the fourth year of high school. He has played guitar for five years and he really, really, really loves music. In the future he hopes he will be travelling a lot and studying psychology.
Simona Fantoni
Simona is attending the fourth year of high school.
She likes singing and playing music in general, but she doesn't like sport!
She would like to become a doctor or a psychologist to help and improve people's life.