Form Your Team -- Composition Checklist


Consider these dimensions of diversity as you put your teams together:





Sexual orientation



Geographic relation to the community

Comfort with technology

Organizational role

Department within the institution

Amount of years working for the institution


In addition to individuals’ life experiences and how those shape their participation on teams, a group in Britain has researched and determined that people tend to have certain behaviors and characteristics which lead them to play different roles on teams.  While some people play more than one role, we have found that having an understanding of the different possible roles on a team can be very helpful in creating teams.  At the link below, you will find the nine different behaviours (or contributions) that individuals tend to display in the work place.  The Belbin Group calls these the nine Belbin Team Roles.  Their website has great definitions of the different roles and their allowable weaknesses.  Understanding the different roles that people tend to play on teams can help you to balance and have good representation on organizational teams that you are creating.

Download this checklist as a Microsoft Word document (.docx)