April 2016 roundup

photo // makerjawn 


April 2016 Roundup

YOUMedia! It's in the news today, oh joy! Here are some great examples of our sites getting recent local and/or national attention:

Studio NPL and Niq Tognoni

Clubhouse Network's "Start Making" Book

Making a Platform for Empowerment (NY Hall of Science)

2016 National Medals for Museum and Library Service

The Mix at SFPL on Local Radio
Getting down to details, don't miss these community discussion threads in April:

Minecraft Expertise

Personal and Online Safety

Skateboards and Libraries Essential Maker Tools

Teens Talking Politics

For some great listening, April Podcasts picked up on the these topics: Curriculum Development and St Paul's Read Brave program.

Resource Page is always updated to get to you right to the source, or to get a forecast on events, you can visit the Events Page!


NTEN Digital Fellows Position Openings

DML Challenge is now open, deadline May 13

American Library Association Annual Conference, June 23-28, 2016, Orlando National Art Education Association, proposals due May 31

Maker Faires (regional and world-wide map)

Digital Media Learning (DML, Oct 2016)

ISTE Conference

YALSA Lit Symposium, November 2016, Registration open!

Site spotlights

We’re always looking for sites to feature! Email youmedia@astc.org