April 2017 Roundup

April 2017 Roundup

Two podcasts were posted in April both were from conventions attended by CoP members. If you can't make it in person, a podcast is a great way to hear some highlights. Niq attended SXSW EDU and talked with Jennifer Steele from Chicago. Jennifer shared some info about AR/VR that she learned from a  session given by the New York Time's VR team. Peter shared a talk from the Clubhouse Network Conference given by Mitchel Resnick from MIT. Mitchel talked about his mentor Seymour Papert. 

You can find both in the podcast section. 


Peter also shared some new resources he learned about at the Clubhouse Network Conference. There are links to DIY circuit blocks, game design and an intro to Scratch.

Clubhouse Conference Resources


The top discussion in April was focused on how to deal with the negative behavior of young people while playing online games, in this case Roblox Prison Life. Corey asked for ideas and Cathy, Daniel and Desiree shared some great ideas on how to start discussions on behavior and/or redirect youth to different games while in the library. A couple more people listened to Chris Emdin's keynote at SXSW EDU. It is a great talk, if you haven't had a chance to check it out, don't miss it!

Roblox & Prison Life

SXSW Keynote - Chris Emdin


For upcoming events, in-person and virtual, check out the Events Page! This is also available on the Discussions pull-down menu. 

We're always interested in site spotlights! Yours could be next! We’re always looking for sites to feature! Email youmedia@astc.org