February 2016 Roundup
Welcome to the 23 new CoP members added in February!! We hope you enjoy the treasure trove of YOUmedia network information!! For example, explore the Discussions Forum to find out about Button Machine Programs or other recent highlighted topics that I’ve listed below. To hear some community voices, tune in immediately to the newest YOUmedia podcast, hosted by Julie from Chicago, Safe Space, Explicit Content.
And don’t forget the Resources tab, for getting started basics or finding background info on YOUmedia research. Each month, you’ll see highlights on this roundup, which you’ll find under the Discussions tab. Meanwhile, here’s are some of the happenings around the community:
Discussions: We’ve had lots of themes percolating during the past month, including some lo-tech program discussions such as Button Machines above, or Giant Coloring Pages.
More toolbox topics:
Cameo Silhouette Projects
Teen Mentor Funding
Robot Petting Zoos
Discussions also addressed social questions brewing about the LRNG platform or Explicit Content and Audio Production.
Resource Development Media: Now you’ve got audio podcast discussions and video conversations in one place. Check out the webinars and conversations page.
South by Southwest Conference, March 11-20, Austin
Public Library Association Conference, April 5-9, Denver
Maker Faires (regional and world-wide map)
Digital Media Learning (DML, Oct 2016) Call For Participation ends April 24.
ISTE Conference, early bird registration ends May 1
American Library Association (Annual Conference, June 23-28, 2016, Orlando
Site spotlights
We’re always looking for sites to feature! Email youmedia@astc.org