July 2018 Roundup
Site Spotlight
July’s site spotlight featured the new Best Buy Teen Tech Center at the downtown branch of the New Orleans Public Library. Check out the pictures of the center and read about their great new programs.
There were a couple of interesting discussions in July. The question about gender options on registration forms is a great example of how a simple question can lead to deeper questions on important issues and YOUmedia site staff and mentors are incredibly thoughtful about the work they do. If you didn’t have a chance to read Gabbie’s post on embedding Critical Consciousness into youth development programs, take moment to go back and read it as well as the articles she links. Both articles are quick reads but very interesting.
July Podcast
Gabbie Barnes and Sarah Ryan attended the Allied Media Conference in June. They recorded a podcast discussing the background of the conference as well as the highlights of the conference sessions they attended. They ended the podcast talking about the idea of going an “inch wide and a mile deep” or deeply engaging with a few teens instead of superficially engaging with large numbers of teens. Gabbie said the conference was invigorating and inspiring. They also shared a bunch of resources and links related to the conference. Listen to the podcast and check out the discussion post and you too may be invigorated and inspired.