Where has the summer gone? It's hard to believe we are already a week into August and it's time for July's Roundup. Time flies when you're having fun in the YOUmedia Network, I suppose. Here's a little bit about what's been going on.
1. There was some good discussion generated around "Teen Recognition" and what works (or doesn't). Sari let us know that MakerJawn has done "Premier" nights for teens to showcase their work. They even get all the pomp and circumstance of walking down the red carpet!
YOUmedia Chicago shared a couple of methods they use. At Daniel's neighborhood branch they have TVs dedicated to looping student projects. These are constantly updated and rotated to make sure students get to see some of their work being displayed. Daniel also suggested appointing teen "ambassadors" to introduce new students to the space. This helps them build a sense of ownership and makes them feel important.
Jennifer (also of YOUmedia Chicago) described the Leader Board they use. The top 10 students (students who participate the most) on the board are rewarded with custom t-shirts or other swag.
I'm sure there are other great ideas out there. So if you have anything to add, check out the discussion, here.
2. J.J. Lendl from Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, put up the final video explaining the major tenets of the YOUmedia Network Learning Labs. I highly recommend checking it out (if you haven't already) and sharing it with anyone who wants a better idea of what our network and our Learning Labs are all about. Thanks to J.J. for doing a fantastic job putting it together. And thanks to all of the folks who contributed content. Now go watch the video.
3. Last but not least (and not exactly a July specific thing, but. . . ), we need any input on Draft #2 of the YOUmedia Hallmarks document by August 18th, when the Task Force meets next. You can take a look at the hallmarks document and comment there or contact K-fai (or I'm sure any other Task Force member) with you ideas/comments/suggestions.
Thanks for reading!