July 2016 Roundup
People have been getting around this summer to some amazing national events. Read about their experiences here. And a big congrats is in order to Pittsburgh Studio Hive which received an award from the American Institute of Architects (shown above)!
Lots of activity in July generated knowledge of YOUMedia in its post-emergent phase! Take note of these conversations for substantial information:
youth survey design
3D Pen Programs
Transferable Leadership Resource
Mentors, New Employees, Partnerships
As a follow-up to this forum, feel free to share your program ideas through these YALSA resources!
The site spotlight in July was Rockwood Maker Space of the Multonomah County Library in Portland OR! Check it out and learn about the joys and challenges of starting a lab!
Podcasts and Webinars in July 2016 focused on post-emergent sites including TheLabs at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh, TECH lab in Billings MT, and MakerJawn in Philadelphia. Listen to voices sharing wisdom on the experience of putting YOUMedia principles into action.
For upcoming events, in-person and virtual, check out the Events Page! This is also available on the Discussions pull-down menu.
We're always interested in site spotlights! Yours could be next! We’re always looking for sites to feature! Email youmedia@astc.org