March 2017 Roundup

March 2017 Roundup


In March, Peter spoke with  Danielle Martin and Alisha Panjwani about their new book Start Making! A guide to Engaging Young People in Maker Activities. Alisha and Danielle shared a little bit of their personal journeys into the world of making and shared a few insights into how to get young people interested in making. Danielle and Alisha also shared some ideas for getting adults interested and engaged in making so they in turn can support young people in making. This podcast shared quite a few helpful insights and ideas! In the description, Peter shared a link to their book and a free resource that is located on the clubhouse network page.

You can find it in the podcast section. 

A few sites shared out their work this month. Niq posted a site spotlight focused on Tucsaloosa. Rosie Suever shared info about their site structure and goals and highlighted some of their programs. The TECH Labs at Billings had an article written about their mobile crates, and I shared about the teen's creating audio interviews of authors at the Festival of Books in Tucson.
Tuscaloosa Site Spotlight
TECH Lab at Billings
Tucson Teen Author Interviews

There were also several great discussions continued in March. Several more people chimed in on inspirations for their work, Lyndsey reported back on the PD activity she presented and Korie shared an interesting article about Making for Change. There were also two inspiration talks shared so if you are looking for some Springtime inspiration give them a listen! Click below for this month's highlights.

Inspirations for your work
PD Activity for Educators
Making for Change
TED Talk - Pam Sandlian Smith
SWSW Keynote - Chris Emdin

For upcoming events, in-person and virtual, check out the Events Page! This is also available on the Discussions pull-down menu. 

We're always interested in site spotlights! Yours could be next! We’re always looking for sites to feature! Email