photo // The Labs + Maker Jawn
May 2016 Roundup
Here are the some of the new and noteworthy developments in our Community of Practice in May:
Community of Practice Survey Results
New YALSA Strategic Plan
Multnomah's Sarah Ryan brings YOUmedia Hallmarks to the YALSA Journal
Sustainability Hack at YOUmedia Chicago
Community of Practice Members together at the Bay Area Maker Faire!
The Labs (Pittsburgh) and MakerJawn crossover! (see above)
Maker May was in full force on the Discussion Forum, which addressed these threads:
National Week of Making coming up in June
3D Printer Discussion
New Cool Things!!
iPad Storage
HOMAGO and Connected Learning
If you prefer audio discussions:
Planning a Teen Lit Fest and other Podcasts
The Resource Page is always updated to get to you right to the source, or to get a forecast on events, you can visit the Events Page!
American Library Association Annual Conference, June 23-28, 2016, Orlando. Join the YOUmedia + YALSA session on Friday, June 24th from 2:30-4:00, Connecting Around Connected Learning (Rosen Centre Hotel, Salon 01/02).
Webinar: "From Voice to Influence," June 13 and the entire Making It Matter: Youth Civic Participation in the 2016 Presidential Election series
Allied Media Conference, June 16-19, Detroit
National Week of Making, June 17-23
ISTE Conference, June 23-29, Denver
Digital Media Learning (DML, Oct 2016)
YALSA Lit Symposium, November 2016, Registration open!
Site spotlights
We’re always looking for sites to feature! Email youmedia@astc.org